Tools & Services

Netlify Build Plugin of the Week: Sentry

Tools & Services

Netlify Build Plugin of the Week: Sentry

Welcome to our series highlighting Netlify Build Plugins! This week, we’re featuring the Sentry Build Plugin. Sentry is a full-stack error monitoring tool that shows you every crash in your stack as it happens, along with the details teams need to prioritize, identify, reproduce, and fix those issues.

With the Sentry Build Plugin, Sentry is notified of each Netlify deploy. This means Sentry is automatically aware of new releases, and can upload source maps to Sentry and send Sentry commits that label suspicious code and even assign someone to amend it. And if you see your Sentry monitoring does reveal anything suspicious, Netlify makes it easy to instantly roll back to a previous, more performant version of your site.

This plugin is an easy way to get even deeper insight into how code errors impact your users. With Netlify and Sentry, the team at Outfit7 is able to deliver updates to web integrations quickly, resolve errors efficiently, and optimize engineering work throughout the entire web application development process. Learn more about how Outfit 7 uses Netlify and the Sentry Build Plugin for mobile app development.

Automatically run Sentry tests for each Netlify deploy with the Sentry plugin

Plugin: Sentry Build Plugin
Automatically run Sentry tests for every Netlify deploy
By: Sentry
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