Guides & Tutorials

Make and Deploy an Astro Project in Minutes

Guides & Tutorials

Make and Deploy an Astro Project in Minutes

Make and Deploy an Astro Project in Minutes

Whether you are looking to try Astro or deploy an existing Astro app you can follow these steps to get the job done quickly. We made this template to give you a way to spin up an Astro app and have it ready to be deployed to Netlify.

Oh, hey, check out this button:

Deploy to Netlify Button

It will walk you through the process of creating a new repo using this template and deploying it to Netlify.

Click 'n' Go

There are a few ways to use and deploy this template so I thought I'd walk you through the clickiest (not a word but come on how cute is it).

  1. Copy the template repo by clicking the 'Use this template' button towards the top-right of the repo page.
    arrow pointing to use this template button

  2. Head to your Netlify dashboard and click the 'Add new site' dropdown menu and click the 'Import an existing project' option.
    Netlify dashboard to add new site
    This will take you to a place to sign in to GitHub and find the new repo just created in step 1.
    pick GitHub
    search for your repo

  3. Check the site settings (coming in from the template's netlify.toml config file) and click 'Deploy site'
    site settings menu

  4. Click the site url and look at your amazing, live site!
    the live project link

If you already had an existing Astro site you could start at step 2 and choose your site from your list of repos.

Rest Your Clicker, You're Done!

With a couple clicks and a few keystrokes you have an Astro site and it's deployed for all the world to see. We're excited to see what you create! Have an idea for another quickstart template? Let us know Happy coding 👩🏻‍💻!

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