Astro - A Framework of Many Frameworks

No web project is the same, so why are we forced into the same mental model when building them? Frameworks have traditionally centered around one paradigm, forcing you to think about *your* app from a perspective that often doesn't make sense. If you're building a blog the workflow should be much different than if you're building an app with cutting edge local-first architecture. With Astro we take the approach of providing a simple baseline of features that can accomodate any use-case. Then depending on what you're building Astro has you covered with use-case specific features that you don't even need to know about otherwise. A personal blog? Content collections and file-based routing is all you need. The company blog with non-technical authors? Add Content Layer hooked to your favorite CMS. Building an e-commerce site and need to maximize performance? Server islands give you that just by adding an attribute. Building a full-fledged app? Escape out of server-side rendering entirely and do everything in your favorite frontend framework and its rich ecosystem. Learn how Astro takes a layered, dare we say composable, approach to delivering a framework that can work for any type of app. Astro is your framework of many frameworks.

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