Customer Stories

Millions of developers and businesses trust Netlify. Discover a few of their projects, use cases and results.

Justin Watts

"Netlify empowers our engineering teams to launch websites and campaigns in minutes with no-ops, a goal that has often been a pipe dream in our industry.

Justin Watts, Head of Engineering
  • How RenderATL automates conference chores with custom APIs

    Learn how RenderATL automates conference chores with custom APIs on Netlify and saw a 200%+ increase in ticket purchases after doing so.

    Case Study
  • How Rapha achieved 100x developer productivity with Netlify

    Learn how Rapha incrementally migrated to a composable ecommerce system and achieved 100x developer productivity through partnerships with Netlify and others.

    Case Study
  • How Riot Games Reduced Bandwidth Usage by 300% with Netlify

    Learn how Riot Games, the gaming giant behind League of Legends, reduced costs and optimized bandwidth after migrating their web stack to Netlify.

    Case Study
  • Why Kubernetes prefers Netlify for its 3000+ contributors

    Learn how Netlify helped Kubernetes, one of the web's largest open-source projects, streamline collaboration and decrease complexity with CI/CD.

    Case Study
  • Reduced costs by 65%

    Citrix executed a massive migration of their product documentation to Netlify ahead of schedule, resulting in a 65% cost savings and a significantly better user experience.

    Case Study
  • Forrester study finds Netlify delivers ROI of 151%

    To find the total economic impact of one organization’s shift to Netlify, Forrester interviewed decision-makers at an enterprise company using Netlify to build and deploy its sites and applications, and used this experience to project a three-year financial analysis.

    Read the Study
  • Fueling growth with the Jamstack

    Peloton trusts Netlify as the build and serve platform for its website, ecommerce and user login infrastructure.

  • Launching a web campaign in record time

    Nike created the Emmy-winning ‘Dream Crazy’ campaign and approached digital agency Matter Supply to launch it on the web within a month.

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  • Danone/Alpro

    Alpro's global sites are now translated into over 30 languages with internationalized marketing sites built with Contentful and Netlify.

    Case Study
  • Streamlining DevOps and speeding up deploys by 10x

    By adopting Netlify, TunnelBear’s team of engineers regained control over their process and site architecture while letting go of the processes that taxed developer productivity. Along with speed, Netlify’s High Performance Build infrastructure and multi-cloud edge network gives TunnelBear the confidence to build for the future.

    Case Study
    It used to take us ten minutes to build and deploy. Now with Netlify, it takes us one minute.
    Jared Krause
    Jared Krause
    Tech Lead for Web Development
  • Delivers web projects 30% faster

    Cornerstone OnDemand migrated from an outdated, monolithic CMS architecture to the Netlify. Page loads are 25% faster and time to market for new pages and content has improved 30%.

    Case Study
  • How VMware’s Tanzu Developer Center boosted users 300% with Netlify

    Choosing Netlify to power their Jamstack site allowed the small VMware team to stand up a developer portal in only three months, and triple their expectations for users in the first year.

    Case Study
    When people at VMware find out our team is only three people, they’re shocked.
    Bryan Friedman
    Bryan Friedman
    Developer Engagement Director
  • Serving Dynamic Data with Netlify and Next.js

    UW Health migrated their monolithic Java app to the Jamstack with the help of agency Last Rev. Their new architecture, comprised of Netlify, Next.js, and Contentful, allows the web team to deploy confidently and ship faster.

    Case Study
  • Deploys daily and with certainty

    LiveChat, a customer service company delivering a platform for customer service, sales, and lead generation, uses Netlify for all of its websites, enabling the web dev team to iterate fast and independently.

    Case Study
    Moving all of LiveChat websites to Netlify has empowered our Web Dev Team to iterate fast and independently. Additionally, SysOps can now keep focus on LiveChat’s core services.
    Maciej Malesa
    Maciej Malesa
  • 25% conversion increase after migrating to Netlify

    Pan Macmillan moved to Netlify to adopt the Jamstack. This improved site speed by 8x, improved SEO rankings, and enabled the team to ship new content and changes instantly. Without making any UX changes, they’ve seen a 25% increase in clicks to retailers.

    Case Study
    The move to the Jamstack was about speed, accessibility, and taking the worry out of deployment.
    James Luscombe
    James Luscombe
    Technology Director
  • Launching sites and campaigns in minutes with no-ops

    Netlify helps the Loblaw engineering productivity team achieve its mission of reducing toil, increasing happiness and getting sh!t done.

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  • Modernizing Drupal on the Jamstack with 3x better performance

    Longo's is a high-end grocery company in Canada with customers that expect a first-class experience. They worked with Therefore Interactive as their agency to modernize Drupal on the Jamstack, leveraging Netlify to deliver a better performing website and mobile experience.

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    ..we prioritized modern technology that could support our web-digital transformation goals...Running on Netlify, our website is more flexible and reliable, and performs three times faster than before.
    Alicia Samuel
    Alicia Samuel
    Vice President of Information Technology
  • Enables community-sourced ecosystem map with deploy previews

    Real-time previews are key to updating this popular market landscape, which is crowd-sourced from content editors, PR professionals, investors, advisors, and other non-developers.

    Case Study
  • Reduced time to first load from 800ms to 80ms

    Smashing Magazine migrated its large content and e-commerce site from WordPress to the Jamstack and Netlify for easier integrations, speed, and better performance.

    Case Study
    We have what we always wanted in terms of flexibility, speed, performance, and architecture for the front end.
    Vitaly Friedman
    Vitaly Friedman
    Co-founder & Editor-In-Chief
  • 6x faster performance

    Dr. Gustin, founder of Perfect Keto, adopted a Headless WordPress architecture with Netlify to improve average page load time from 6.2s to 750ms.

    Case Study
  • Scaling from 0 to 2 Million API Requests in a Few Weeks

    Using Netlify, the COVID Tracking Project scaled easily and responded instantly. With millions of unique users staying up to date on COVID-19 data, the Project maintained its breakneck pace of compiling and reporting data.

    Case Study
    Having our stack be so solid, so stable, and so fast has been a saving grace in the middle of this otherwise extremely complex project.
    Erin Kissane
    Erin Kissane
  • Building a faster e-commerce experience

    Victoria Beckham Beauty, a luxury clean beauty brand, saw speed and innovation as central to improving its e-commerce experience. It achieved a faster digital experience by integrating Contentful and Netlify with services like Shopify Plus to create high-performing sites.

    Case Study
  • Moving from WordPress to the Jamstack to supercharge content production

    Learn about how better workflows helped Celonis go from managing just 100 web pages to adding and maintaining 100+ pages per month on Netlify. It saved $60K after retiring its off-site page building tools.

    Case Study
    More than 60 people in the company can now deploy pages without intervention, without any communication with the website development team.
    Brandon Ortiz
    Brandon Ortiz
    Vice President of Content Marketing
  • An agency keeps its sites lightning fast

    Carrot Creative, a New York agency owned by Vice Media, has clients from Ferrari to H&M. This agency keeps its sites cool and lightning fast, and especially appreciates Netlify features like deploy previews, forms, webhooks, and more.

    Case Study
  • Twilio Console: A Large Scale Migration to Jamstack

    Learn why the Twilio Console team migrated their global application to the Jamstack, and the results they're seeing so far with Netlify, from 30x performance improvements to shipping daily.

    Case Study
    Collaborative Deploy Previews are an excellent feature from Netlify. We’re seeing designers start to give us feedback… by taking screenshots and annotating them… and that ends up right in the pull request.
    Harrison Harnisch
    Harrison Harnisch
    Tech Lead, Staff Software Engineer
  • Jamstack helps engineering team to quickly respond and inform

    At Jamstack Conf the ACLU explained how it leveraged the Jamstack to support incremental and flexible web development, including building a new site for the 2020 election.

    Case Study
  • E-commerce Jamstack migration boosts conversion for creators

    To scale out and improve user experience, Spring (formerly Teespring) took a strategic approach to decouple its monolithic Ruby on Rails application, utilizing the Jamstack to fuel productivity and faster site performance, while retaining the best pieces of their legacy applications. Spring also plans to use Next.js on Netlify to continue improving performance and developer experience.

    Case Study
    ...As we’ve moved to a modern Jamstack approach utilizing Netlify we’ve seen impressive improvements in site performance and conversion rate, while also increasing our engineering velocity...
    Rick Takes
    Rick Takes
    Director of Engineering
  • Scales quality across sites with Netlify

    Learn about how Netlify grew from an experiment to a core strategy for Apollo GraphQL. Revamping its internal site architecture made its team more efficient and impactful.

    Case Study
  • Uses Netlify’s powerful developer workflows to drive customer success

    This 3D and e-commerce software startup for custom made products invests in its developer velocity and experience with Netlify to get to market faster. Learn about how it went from CloudFront and AWS to Netlify’s coupled build and hosting tools, allowing the team to move faster and iterate more seamlessly without any additional effort.

    Case Study
  • Dramatic improvements in build times and performance

    This enterprise pursued a Jamstack redesign of their massive documentation site, going from a custom in-house system to Netlify. Rackspace Technology worked with Netlify to improve their team’s efficiency with intuitive developer workflows and selected Algolia to improve their site and search functionality, resulting in a faster and better-performing site.

    ...With the move to Netlify and Algolia, we saw dramatic improvements in build times and performance, plus much more relevant search results. We are delighted with our partnership, and our customers are seeing the benefits of these best of class providers.
    Robb Romans
    Robb Romans
    Manager, Information Development Team
  • Uses Netlify and Sentry for mobile app development

    Gaming and entertainment company Outfit7 navigates challenges of building mobile web apps.

    Case Study
  • Embraces lightning-fast headless Sitecore on Netlify

    European mall operator Klépierre worked with technology agency Proximity to overhaul their web presence. With a headless Sitecore CMS and Netlify, they reduced spend and delivered performant sites. They also achieved an average of 99.999% availability across 98 image and feature-rich commerce sites.

    Case Study
    We decided to deliver a Jamstack model on Netlify as a means to better manage costs and mitigate risk on significant licensing from more traditional models. Our client is pleased that their sites load fast, and we were able to cut their costs significantly.
    Jonathan Bobo
    Jonathan Bobo
  • Headless Commerce on Shopify

    Paul Valentine’s e-commerce lead and co-founder and director at We Make Websites discuss the luxury brand’s journey to headless e-commerce and migrating to a Jamstack approach.

    Watch Video
  • From legacy infrastructure to a lean and powerful stack

    Digital transformation agency Ample delivered improved efficiency and effectiveness for this growing church by migrating their web estates to Netlify and the Jamstack.

    Case Study
  • Netlify High Performance Edge leads to improved SEO scores

    Medallia, a customer experience platform, migrated its corporate site to the Jamstack and achieved a 50% improvement to their Core Web Vitals by hosting on Netlify’s High Performance Edge.

    Case Study
  • Telecommunications company selects Next.js on Netlify

    Spirent works with Myplanet, a software studio, and Netlify as their platform to deliver performant web experiences. They get all the benefits of the Netlify developer experience and critical features for enterprise teams.

    ...We selected Next.js on Netlify for our customer Spirent, a multinational telecommunications testing company. The customer is impressed by the ease in their web team’s workflow and the overall better site performance for their visitors.
    Yashar Rassoulli
    Yashar Rassoulli
  • Next.js and Netlify for a better and faster website

    This top website for SEO tips, advice, and training worked with agency Bejamas, selecting Netlify as their web development platform. Learn how they made the site 3x faster with Netlify Functions and the Essential Next.js plugin.

    Case Study
  • Global partner AKQA used Next.js and Uniform to “Jamstack-ify” Sitecore

    By using Next.js and Uniform, non-profit Guide Dogs swiftly migrated their enterprise system to the Jamstack, all while keeping Sitecore as their headless CMS.

  • Improved page load time

    Horangi chose Netlify as a hosting platform because of its powerful and fast CDN, redirect management, deployment previews, and the best developer experience.

  • Manages traffic spikes with ease

    Non-profit organization encouraging voter participation uses Netlify to manage 500+ partner sites and handle big traffic spikes around election season.

    Case Study
  • Painless documentation site

    Lodash chose Netlify for its HTTPS support for custom domains, but quickly fell in love with its build process, jekyll plugins, redirects & header configs.

    Case Study
    I love how painless everything is. Setting up HTTPS, redirects, headers, GeoIPs and build processes were all super simple. And if I had a question it was answered fast.
    John-David Dalton
    John-David Dalton
  • Handled huge traffic spikes

    Sphero, maker of programmable robots and STEAM-based educational tools, handled huge traffic spikes for their marketing site on Netlify when they launched a replica of the BB-8 robot, based on the cool Star Wars droid.

    Case Study
  • Empowering globally distributed content creators

    Netlify allows a team of globally distributed content creators to update the Sequoia website with no bottlenecks, pushing super fast and secure updates to its ADN.

    Case Study
  • From WordPress to Jamstack: ButcherBox moves to Headless Commerce

    ButcherBox, the neighborhood butcher for modern America, transitioned from a monolith to the Jamstack architecture, improving page speed and performance. Learn how its page speed went from 4 seconds to under 1 second using Netlify.

    Case Study
  • Fixing Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) with Netlify Edge Functions

    Blind Veterans UK provides support to tens of thousands of vision-impaired veterans. They recently began working with us, Reason Digital, to replace their site with a high performing website for their service users and supporters with the following requirements: Site Accessibility, Security, Flexibility & Power.

    Case Study
  • How CNCF enables community-sourced ecosystem map with Netlify deploy previews

    Contentful is a good fit for the Jamstack for a lot of reasons: it treats content as data, which means it can do much more than create web pages—it can repurpose any content to create omnichannel digital experiences. It’s API-first and has a great developer experience, helping digital teams to innovate, iterate and go to market faster.

    Case Study
  • DocuSign Empowers Devs Teams with Netlify and Next.js

    As a global company, DocuSign operates in many markets. Their goal for the re-architecture project was to migrate the homepage, business-critical product pages, and some brand experience pages over to Netlify across all markets.

    Case Study
  • How Fieldfusion built a SaaS business on Netlify

    The Fieldfusion team now builds and deploys both the web and mobile applications using Netlify. “We also build all bespoke work for clients on Netlify, and we’ve lost count of the number of times clients have been wowed that an entire production deployment of their application or website is online, highly available and with zero overhead cost.”

    Case Study
  • Gemini scaled past 1B monthly web requests with Netlify

    After migrating to Netlify, Gemini successfully surpassed over 1 billion monthly web requests, with no downtime.

    Case Study
  • The URL is the interface: Lunch Money web app scales on the Jamstack

    Lunch Money is a great example of using both first-party and third-party services harmoniously via their APIs, decoupled from a user interface that can then also be iterated quickly.

    Case Study
  • Hilding Anders: The Jamstack Ecosystem Delivers for E-commerce at Scale

    Hilding Anders is moving from being a B2B mattress supplier to being a consumer-first D2C health and wellness company. By moving from monolithic legacy platforms to microservices, they’re offered greater agility, scale, performance, and security among other benefits–all the requirements for Hilding Anders’ transformation.

    Case Study
  • Cloudinary and Netlify Deliver a Performant, Sleek Site for the Hospitality Industry

    Unlike with Maistra's monolithic solution, build environments are extremely easy to create with Netlify. Netlify's CI/CD infrastructure, Netlify Build, enables unlimited identical code environments simply by creating a branch in the code repository and informing Netlify to build and server these additional branches.

    Case Study
  • How MANSCAPED Internationalized their E-commerce Site with Netlify

    In the video, you’ll learn the benefits to MANSCAPED’s composable commerce approach, and how using Netlify for their web development workflow

    Case Study
  • Navan Builds with Netlify and Next.js for Cross-team Collaboration

    Navan’s software automates, personalizes, and simplifies an otherwise tedious experience: booking transit and filing expense reports. The developers on the team knew they wanted to build in Next,js, for its ability to scale through their needs in terms of statically generated pages and server-generated pages.

    Case Study
  • Sennheiser’s Large-Scale Migration to Composable Commerce

    To better manage and make changes in one place across all regional storefronts, their original goal was to migrate 15 existing sites with separate Shopify storefronts over to a unified headless architecture in four months. With the help of agency AKQA and a composable design system built with Netlify and headless Shopify, they were able to build their minimum lovable product in only 11 weeks.

    Case Study
  • Teespring’s E-commerce Jamstack Migration Story

    How Rick Takes, director of Engineering at Teespring, led the migration from a monolithic architecture to a Jamstack architecture using an incremental and hybrid strategy, what he calls “medium-sized” microservices, with a focus on management and discoverability

    Case Study
  • Wayfx Deploys Lightning-fast Headless WordPress to Netlify

    Deploying to Netlify means that any content updates you make to the headless CMS will atomically trigger builds and be deployed globally. There are not many services with this kind of integration and workflow, which are designed to give frontend developers superpowers and increase developer productivity 10x.

    Case Study
  • Why Trimble opted for an open-source style guide on Netlify

    Company style guides are typically internal documents. However, Trimble opted to build its design system as an open-source project on Netlify. Find out why.

    Case Study