JavaScript Utility Library
Lodash is one of the most popular JS libraries in the World with more than 2 billion downloads.
It accounts for 4% of npm’s weekly download traffic and it’s directly depended upon by more than 27,000 packages and indirectly depended upon by 100,000 packages (30% of npm packages).
It’s used by more than Underscore, React, Ember & Angular 2. Combined.
Read more about it and why John Dalton & Co. chose Netlify for Lodash.com below…

John-David Dalton
Creator, Lodash
What is it?
Lodash is JavaScript utility library. After 4 years of having a PHP based website it was time for a redesign. I wanted the site to be open source & run on a gh-pages friendly stack. Netlify took things to the next level. Lodash.com uses a service worker to download the entire site for offline use on your first visit. It also uses resource hints (prefetch, preconnect, preload, & prerender) for speedier page loads. [The site gets more than 400,000 page views a month.] Resource hints that I compiled with the Netlify build cmd into a headers file. The build cmd invokes a Gulp task to generate app icons, headers, redirects, compile JS, & minify resources. I use custom headers to enforce security headers like CSP too.
One of the cool bits is that we’re actually compiling in the _redirects into the service worker so that redirects work even when offline. It also makes query strings pass through for redirects too.
Why Netlify?
I originally chose Netlify because of its HTTPS support for custom domains. After trying it I quickly found that it offered a freedom of build process, jekyll plugins, redirects, & header configs that ended up being critical to lodash.com.
Favorite Feature?
I love how painless everything is. Setting up HTTPS, redirects, headers, GeoIP, build processes were all super simple. And if I had a question it was answered fast. (You all rock. I’m spreading the word.)
Netlify Features used
- Redirect Rules
- Rewrite Rules
- Proxy Rules
- Custom HTTP Headers
- Cached Dependencies
- Git Integration
- Outbound Webhooks
- Outbound Integrations
- Continuous Delivery
- Rollbacks
- Web UI
- Deploy previews
- Deploy previews
Tools & Frameworks used
- Grunt
- Babel
- Jekyll
- React
- Sass