The Fastest

Optimizely Sites

Build and deploy Optimizely sites using a modern composable approach, on Netlify’s all-in-one platform for web development

  • 98×

    Faster Personalization

  • 18×

    Faster Page Loads

  • 65%

    Infra Cost Savings

More speed. Less spend.

Netlify brings a modern web architecture without losing the Optimizely experience

A win for users Fast, global edge performance

Sites load in a fraction of the time because they’re pre-rendered and served directly from Netlify’s High-Performance Edge network. Enable personalization even on high-traffic pages.

A win for developers Adopt modern workflows & tools

Get set up faster and ship more often with Netlify’s modern developer workflows. Create a demo site effortlessly using Optimizely CMS (Saas) and Netlify to learn more.

A win for the CTO & CFO Way lower cost and complexity

Absorb huge traffic bursts without burdening your teams. Never count servers again; Netlify serves all your environments and auto-scales across our global network.

Low predictable costs

Reduce the cost and complexity of your content delivery infrastructure

Streamlined developer workflow

Deliver new web properties faster with better developer workflows

Instant scaling when traffic surges

Effortlessly handle massive traffic with site content cached across the globe

Fast engaging sites

Higher search rankings, lower bounce rates, & higher conversion

Learn more about using Optimizely with Netlify

We’ll show you what it takes to make the shift

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