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Drag and drop your site output folder here.

Or, .

Drag & drop. It’s online.

Drop a folder with your site’s HTML, CSS, and JS files.
We’ll give you a link to share it.

Drop a site, make it yours

Put your site online

Drag and drop your site folder, and you’ll have your site in the cloud at a temporary URL. No account needed.

Sign up to keep dropping

By creating a free Netlify account, you can make changes to your site by dragging new versions into the Netlify app.

Add a custom domain

We give your site a unique URL to share with the world. Personalize your site further with a custom domain.

HTTPS is automatic

That little lock in your browser bar? That means the site is secure using HTTPS. Netlify takes care of it automatically for free.

Take it to the next level

Power up your sites with features like form handling, automatic minification and bundling, one-click rollbacks, and so much more!

Don’t have a site handy? We gotchu.

ThanosJS gauntletThanosJS demo
Landing pageLanding page demo
HTML, CSS, Light/Dark Mode

Ready to try it out?

You know what to do 👇

Drag and drop your site output folder here.

Or, .